Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thursday, December 31:New Years Eve. Work, Coffee and Fireworks

I woke this last day of the year tired. Again that's nothing new but I really want to try to make the sunrise every day this week. I knew I probably wasn't got up on
time. Actually I did when I had to go
23rd and Fairmount
to the bathroom but I felt so funky that I said oh well I get can't do this. I got a late night hanging out with
View from Bus
Larry and friends in Penn's Landing and the Continental. It's 9:03 AM I'm still sitting at 30th St. waiting for the the EL 2 show up. Well, I got a lot of work done today despite being a little bit late. I got my 85 with

View From the El

56th and Market
really nicely and none of my eight people showed up except for about two of them. I then was going to meet my sponsor. 
My meeting with
my sponsor is canceled he got sick. I bought my Transpass @ Suburban station and
With Peter
then headed towards Walnut Street where I am going to have my decaf and blog and chill for a minute
and maybe get a something for lunch. I took a detour to the Apple Store because my Wi-Fi wasn't connecting.
A Friend I last saw 3 Years Ago
Woman get a hard boot and now it works fine. I also learned about my iCloud. The man was

extremely knowledgeable. He says the iCloud will work as long as I'm in Wi-Fi on its lonesome without me
Dancin to James Brown
staring at it. I also deleted my recently deleted file. It is really nice and mild out here there's a dude dancing
At Apple Store
away to James Brown. It's a pretty cheerful sight I must say. Well, I hung around the Apple Store
just observing the multitudes walking the streets today. I then ran into Peter and  together we walked
Looking Bright
down to coffee Joe. There we shot the shit I blocked and he paid some bills. And also observe some
Peter w/ Unfriendly
other people walking by on this beautiful Thursday afternoon. I'm going to be going to Larry's a 530 but I got to go home and get my charger because I forgot it like an idiot. I got to strange reactions when I wished happy new year. There's all kinds of folks out there. EH? Sneaking up at 4 PM right now. I just realized I left my charger at home. Let me talk to go back to Fairmount 
pick it up and then turn around and head back to Larry's. The sun is starting to set and a whole new set
Nice View
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of people of come into this coffee shop since I first got in here. Met some nice people and then some
Coffee Joe
not so nice people. Something in the air that's for sure. Overall, it's a beautiful day out here today for a December day. Why does the coffee Joe I realize that I'd forgotten my cord for my phone. So I needed to go back to Fairmount pick up Mike WARD and then go back to Larry's. So I did that got home

and I talk to Sharon for a while. I enjoyed that. I then caught the 48 bus in pretty good time and got the
Larry's around 545. We didn't solve the 6 PM fireworks at Penns Landing. The fireworks were really cool
and I got some pretty good shots of the fireworks in action. It also wasn't too cold outside as compared to
last year. Then again this winter hasn't really arrived but Word has it that it will arrive midweek this week
with high temperatures in the 30s.. After we saw the 6 PM fireworks we then went to the continental and had
dinner. We were joined by Murray and girlfriend and the bookstore owner that lives in Larry's condo.
I had spinach ravioli which is really good. I was hungry enough to eat two bowls if I wanted to. I then had to

coffee with milk and the coffee taste a little funny. The dessert was pretty good I had a little bit of pistachio
ice cream and I had the the frozen ice cream. The flavor was passionfruit that was pretty 
good. After dinner, we went back to Larry's and watched "New Year's Rockin Eve". That used to
be Dick Clark's Rockin Eve now it's hosted by Ryan Seacrest. Most of the music was cheesy as
normal. They did have Jimmy buffet on later on. We counted down the new year inside and then brand upstairs
to the roof deck and watch the midnight fireworks go off. They were pretty good too. And then hung
out at Larry's for a while. I then walked home via arch Street since I knew the 48 wasn't running and the
cabs are full. The most outrageous thing I saw was that river was charging seven times their normal fare.
This is due to the high demand. I did get home at 3 AM fortunately
it wasn't that cold out. I checked out some places and that was interesting. I then ran into this
dude it was kind of buzzed who was the third wheel of three people and he told me how he almost
got fined $300 by policeman for leaving dog poop. The walk was good for 
me. I'm glad it didn't
rain or it wasn't to bitterly cold that's for damn sure. Overall it was a very decent day. None of the rushing
around that made up for Christmas Eve.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday, December 30: Decaf, Work and Bill Cosby

Well after crashing kind early I managed to get out of bed on time and hit the sunrise. It's 46° here in Philadelphia and it's not drizzly rain so
No Soda and Decaf 4 Me
we can all be happy about that. The young girls are frolicking
Just in Time
the new year is coming and the reports are due for work. I decided to come in to Saxbys and tried my
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new flavor of the day decaf coffee with soy. Oy it's not too bad. So today I have my study session and then I go to my 7:30 PM appointment. I was quite
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relieved Pat had money since I didn't go over there. I do need to take care of a cat though. I stayed at Zaxby's for a while. I
Holy Trinity
edited yesterday's blog post and I broke part of today's post. It is now 8:55 AM and I've got to be
Far Out
trucking to work. Let's hope I can get some work done today. Because tomorrow is only about
three hours of work and nothings going to get done. I have people coming in. Well I'm been working very hard today at work. It's now 410 I decided to get some air since I was starting to get a headache.
Off to Work
It looks pretty cloudy like it wants to rain again. I got treated to chicken and pizza today. I drink my water
58th and Market
as usual. I just wish write a bigger container of it so I wouldn't have to keep going back to the waterfront
My Office
to Fetch it. Well at least I am  not exhausted today. That's because I crashed early. I've
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cleaned up my calendar and send my April brown list. Today I called the DPW helpdesk to find out why
my attachments didn't show on my computer. And I got my drivers updated for the discontinued model scanner that I have. We'll see if it works. Well I took
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that nice break at the supermarket and got rid
Fresh Grocier
of my headache for now. I then stayed at work about 25 minutes later because me and my supervise could
get away with it. Felt like I got some stuff done which is a good feeling. Well Bill Cosby was finally arranged today in Montgomery County
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court. He put up his money for the  $1 million bail  & the next court date will be January  14.  The only question to ask here at this point is “What took so long?”
Le Pain Quoatian

I'm sure that will drag on because Crosby has really wealthy representation. Next on the news is the partial veto of the Pa budgetThe governor kept going school
funding but
there still has to be negotiations which go on up till February. Well I didn't do much AIA studying but I'm get
Wheeling and Dealing
some kind of mentally tired from working intensely. I have to go see that pet cat tonight. Tomorrow night it's uncle Larry and then years eve thing