Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wednesday, November 27: Relaxing in Poway

Today I woke up approximately 9:30 AM Pacific

 standard time. The Got up at breakfast and took a nice long shower. It was a first shower. I took in a couple days and I felt very very nice. It’s the day before 

Thanksgiving. I’ll have you know. We’re going to around till at least 3 o’clock and then see what happens then. Took a test drive analysis mini Cooper. Mary

 felt more comfortable than she did last time. We got back home. Saw Alice leave for her rounds. I just happened 
to see an article from a Harrisburg newspaper about some pensioners have 

not getting a cost-of-living adjustment in 22 years. They retired before at night just a lot of them have 

pensions that are $20,000 a year. That’ll be me in 20 years where 45,000 a year will have the same buying Powers 20,000 does now at the rate the states 

going. anyhow Mary and I relaxed while Alice was out and then we decided we would go to Starbucks and hang
out. We took Alice’s car and we decided

 we’d hit the Mexican place nearby to get some food then eat the food at Starbucks we both ordered a coffee and hung out. Then started talking about planning 

for our next trip which would be to Newberry Florida and if that doesn’t work possibly visit Larry. Before I possibility is driving to New Orleans from Jacksonville 

and then flying back from New Orleans but we’re just talking right now and it would be late January February after that I have Alice on March 1 for her Jewish conversion and then then

 Becky’s wedding thrown in there. Maryann, I drove down to Poway Avenue and checked out the rental car place and of course they were sold out. I thought they might be and we went to another place that it closed at 3 o’clock 

for the holiday. They said we have cars available.” I don’t believe them. I think if we do rent a car I’m gonnajust do it online and go Uber 15 minutes to a 
place that has plenty of cars and the rates are fairly decent so it’s now 4:50 PM Alice I don’t know where she is taking a break somewhere and maybe be taking a nap and we’re gonna sit outside in a nice sunset

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