Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Tuesday, February 14: Valentine’s Day w/ Yoga

Good day boys and girls of spaceship Earth. You know it’s a weird time in the world when UFOs are you on that and mass shootings are you on dad 

yet people get mad at sexy M&Ms what the fuck. Anyhow, Philly is slowly awaken from its post, Super Bowl slumped that I really felt an experience 

while walking downtown. Today Mike and I said we needed to spruce up the place a little bit better and fold some of his clothes because some dudes gonna be visiting on Friday. so we did that and cracked each other up. I also talked on 

the phone about Valentine’s Day and circumcision by Jewish people and why some people want to get married really bad. Also talked about other topics which are not to be discussed in public for they are embarrassing
and/or inappropriate and/or, just crass.  Anyhow, my friends parents recently died who lived 

in Ardmore. So I’m going to go to a funeral Saturday at 10 10:00 AM. Also, I

 found a very funny Twitter page that had all kinds of funny twisted stuff that just cracked me up and made
me feel giggly. I had a nice conversation with a couple people. I’ve 

noticed the suns out longer. It’s now 5:07 PM and there’s still sun in the air. I just finished a very intense appointment Living where father figures are absent and frustration mounts. Anyhow, I’m in the middle of my 30 day challenge at yoga and that’s a good thing, so 
where is that  I like to be me and other times I’m not very good to me I went 
to class today and Chris Fleck Thomas to class

 and he’s really good I like him. He’s very encouraging and light. 

Breeze in the class is cope faster with him. Also, the humidity wasn’t
 bad in the room so I was able to perform a little bit better. And then came home and decided that I would relax. Pat came over and offered me a burrito that he had bought from the place 

across the street. Their idea vegetarian burrito is one filled with shit load of rice. It was tasty though, and it was something different.

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