Saturday, February 11, 2023

Saturday, February 11: Yoga, Center City & Ardmore

This morning I woke up from a 9 o’clock class because I have to switch my Sunday schedule to a Saturday because of the Super Bowl happening tomorrow 

at 6 PM between the Eagles 🦅 and the Chiefs. Well, I got down to class and it was pretty packed. I must say. Robyn taught the class and move the perfect hot temperature. It was hot but it I could

 breathe and the humidity was ridiculously high. After class I socialize

 with someone who I hadn’t seen in about 10 years. I met her at some political events and occupy. I went to a couple protestant men are there in another union stuff. She hadn’t state 40. She’s 

very dedicated activist. She recognized me first, which was interesting to put it mildly. So me her and someone else were talking about the mayors, race and stuff. She 

turned me onto this website she’s involved with. I’m going to check it out. Maybe I can get back involved in political

 stuff again. Anyhow, I got home ate a Gyro and then took a nice luxurious nap. Time
caught up to me and I was trying to walk to Upper Darby and 

Customer 105 bus out to Ardmore.  I like taking a trained better, but every so often the bus is pretty convenient. The walks longer that’s the only

 thing. Well, I arrived and drink a super coffee and got ready to take a walk. It’s now 3:37 PM. Well, it’s very nice outside for a walk that’s for sure.

 I’m gonna walk about an hour. It’s not 3:52 PM. We’ve walked about cheapest 22 minutes each way. It was pretty mild. We still needed a hat and then

 we hit a point where it suddenly got frigid cold so we decided hey we’re just 

going to walk back after 22 minutes. It’s now 429. I’m gonna go shopping on Amazon 

because I’ve been neglectful on that front, I’m running low, some provisions such as yogurt. It’s the day before the Super Bowl and the rest 
enthusiasm and the hype have reached all-time highs. A lot of change since 2018 when eagles were last in the Super Bowl. Politics, a pandemic, and increase effects of climate 
change. In a big store that just came out around 5:15 PM today, US jets shoot down third unmanned aircraft within a week, this time over Canada. I have 
Ma feeling they’re from China just like the last one but they have a dinner Friday and such. There’s some truly trashy people, and they like to advertise how awful they are on Twitter. Here’s Ben Stein being an idiot saying will be a racial dictatorship of some sort.

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