Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday, February 10: Mike’s Dr Appts. & Yoga

My name is Mark and this is my blog. I woke up this morning 

after I went back to sleep for 20 minutes Neff kind of threw me off. I got my yoga stuff ready ate breakfast and attempted to catch the train well, and there was so much dust in one of my pockets 

decided to empty it. Plane the train came, and I realized I had to run to the train but I had forgot my backpack, so I had to miss that train and wait another 10 
minutes for the next train to arrive. A ride bikes rode late 20 3 AM and we instantly pretty much had to go out and catch the first of Mike’s two appointments one for a CAT scan and one 

for. visit with primary care physician. Fortunately, they are pretty close. 

We met manage to catch a ride pretty quickly from one place to the other. We did

 wait a while for the first one. Unfortunately it’s very mild out 

here for a February damage feels more like the end of March going to April. It’s

 now 1240 were waiting for another ride thing to pick us up. Makes 

attempt to get a hold of them or figure out if you’re gonna shop by 1245 or not. 

I’m pretty tired I can’t stand to eat something. I kept trying to 

doze off and couldn’t quite do that. Anyhow, it’s on 118. We got back from our 

adventures in medical appointments. It’s 58° in February. 

It’s very nice out I’m gonna have lunch and lunch a bunch of lunch for sure. well looks

 like the US shut down another balloon this time over Alaska there’s speculations

 from China but not for we don’t really  know for sure. In other news out of my sweet bubble, Buffalo, New York had the biggest earthquake they’ve had in 40 years. I believe 3.8 magnitude quake in Buffalo. It’s pretty hard to believe that’s for sure. Well after Mike and I did our 
doctors appointment we hung out and shut the shed and I threw out some garbage and I ended up locking myself out of the building so Mike had to climb down the steps and get me. I then headed down to the yoga 

class went to a 75 minute class and it was very hot but a decent class. I’ve been hung at the studio for about an hour to cool off and mellow out.

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