Friday, March 20, 2015

Monday March 16: A Most Hectic Day

Good morning everybody. I did set my alarm but I was really tired and slept through it for about 15 minutes. I got to 47th St
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and Pine at 6:47 AM then walked in and caught 21 at 7:10 AM and I'm at 30th
Packed Bus
St. as of 7:19 AM.  I took some pictures of the really beautiful sons drive this morning. Well,  the weatherman says it supposed to be milder today.
Garden Court Early in the AM
Then eventually it's going
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to get cold again. It's typical March it's hot and cold and bipolar!! Well I got a little bit late to work because
Sunrise Over West Philly
I got off at Melbourne Melbourne station instead of 60th or 56 street. So I was a little late. I slog through
Catching the 21 Bus
work and then at 12:30 I left work to walk puppy. I then turned my ankle little bit for the first time in a while
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but it hurt a bit that's for sure. Starting at 12:30, I was running back-and-forth for my dog. When I came
The Is!!
back of course there's two people waiting and some alert that came up on the computer. That  
Cute Pup
was done pretty easily. I think got real busy the end of the day when 2 walk-ins came for my buddy
Went Past My Stop on the EL
Peter and one of them was full of problems that had nothing to do with my unit😁
My Clean Workspace

I remembered my clipboard for my meeting thank God. I was able to also postpone the dog job
till 8 PM so I can do my meeting thing. I'm now on a pact bus going about four blocks to 19th St. I'm
42nd and Chestnut

sitting here at Saxbys and it's very warm but dammit I'm not off for a second after I load up some pictures. It's now 5:56 PM. Yeah, I proceeded to go to Saxbys and get a coffee. I found this very comfortable lounge chair and proceeded to take a nice nap. I attempted to edit the blog but the service was so slow it couldn't
be done. I'm hoping my Internet works when I get home. Larry's going to look at a plumbing supply place to order this clip for Larry's shower.
I looked it up on Amazon and It's 15 bucks l get to my workplace by Wednesday if I ordered the next 2 hours. It's now 9:30 PM I am
waiting for the EL and 46 street I decided I just go overnight with no Scrips and pick them up at the CVS tomorrow morning,
Well I was walking to catch either the 7 or the 48 and someone on Facebook linked me to this article  about being white and Irish in Philadelphia. It looks interesting.

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