Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Monday, March 30: A Chilly Start and Workplace Weirdness

Catching the Bus
Well I woke up and decided that I would sleep in today. That meaning no sunrise and I got up at 8:12 AM.
Center City
I put on a sweater because it pretty darn cold out here today. I got to work a little late and somebody
At Work
caught me putting mine when I little after nine so some body's watching me. Speaking of work,
The Drama Heats up
somebody called and threatening to shoot seven caseworkers in the upstairs district. And a co worker's
Phone Threats Explained
calling for elections 4 Elmo shop steward. They collection should've taken place in January. The dust
Pat's Kitchen Ceiling
is being stirred up these days at work. I'm going to try to stay as distant as possible back in 2006,
Pat Makes Dinner
I got in I'm not letting it happen this time. I had some pad Thai for lunch and didn't drink any soda today. I'm going to lay off the Soda for a little while
I didn't have any new alerts and I didn't
Pat Eating Dinner
get all that much done at work today. I left work at 5:30 PM and decided I'd go to Pats now and pick up
42nd and Chestnut
his check for the last couple days I'd actually did the dog walking  @  4701 pine Street. it's now 6:29 PM. Either I miss the six 2021 bus by a minute or it just running slow and bogus like it can

Sunday March 29: Where is Spring?

Hello I woke up really exhausted today and I stayed up past my bedtime again. And grabbed a quick
2nd Street
breakfast hope some of the juice that I saved from yesterday and got picked up by West at my place
to go to the Bar None. Grab a cuppa coffee at a place nearby near south. At the barn then we met
up with another person and then listen to some good stuff about feelings. After that we went back for more
Ordering a Sandwich
coffee and shot the stuff. We then drove out to yards brewery and eat food from delicious lunch truck
What a Menu
that was sitting outside. I forget the name of it they have a lunch different lunch truck every day the week outside the yard brewery right off
Old City

of Columbus Boulevard. The sandwich was delicious. We stopped at Cosi. him We saw a movie
West River Drive
called the deli man at the Ritz theater. It was a fun movie I think both West and I very much enjoyed it.
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After that we drove me up the Bob's to pick up my hamper that I bought. In the meanwhile all three
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of us talked. And then caught the train and ended up leaving my camper at the train station. I knew
Sharon Makes a Nice Dinner
then it was just time stay home and sleep. I'm kind of exhausted at this point in my life. I took a 3
Groundhog Day
hour naps and then had a nice meal cooked up by Sharon. It was really pleasant. Then I
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talked to Amy and we compared sleep apps on android and iPhone. I think crashed

Monday, March 30, 2015

Friday, March 27: A Cool Spring Day

Construction on Fairmount
Well after staying up way past my bedtime, I decided to sleep in and skip sunrise for the morning since I'm going to a meeting at 5:15 PM
Had to Take a Cab to Work
tonight. I got to work via cab sent it took me a while to get myself
Getting to Work w/ My Coffee
organized this morning. We had our mass calling it at least half the people didn't show up.
It was much better just see them as they come rather then put them in a room and have a bunch of people lose their patience. Well I finished up in a
Snacking on the Way Home.
nice mellow fashion and I came outside and the sun's
Across the Street
trying to come out. It's not quite as chilly as it was during lunchtime when I first ventured out
15th Street La Colombe
the office. Actually left 12 minutes early from work. To try to get to the shop or special which I have not
 Still Light Out :)
gone to in over six months. After I go to the shop or special I think I'll go home and make it an early
Pretty Cool Out
night and see how much money I have left and get a Trans-pass for next month which is already April.
 News While Waiting for Transpass
Well I got to the meeting and a part of an apple pie while I was going. I got to the meeting and all of a sudden I got so tired. I almost fell asleep. I banged picked up my things and
Elliott Levin
gave my things to my friend.
Speedy Internet at Station
Luckily I thought of getting my trans-pass for April done which was cool.. I am going to go home
 SEPTA Ticket Counter
and pretty much crash because I've arty eaten for the most part. Well I got home around 7:30 PM through 8 PM it's now 11:09 PM going back to bed after brushing my teeth.

Saturday, March 28: I Go to Melrose Park

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Well while trying to update blog or on the new tablet that I got from Larry I managed to delete
all of Saturday's posting. So here goes. I got up for the men's meeting a little bit late but not too late.c
As I was waiting in in the for the bus long came through and that was good to see him. The way to do
Coffe &Tart
an estimate on the paint job. So set up driving us to his place he drop me off at lock alone. We had a
tasty coffee and danish. Meaning itself was pretty good. Afterwards I I went to suburban station
where I caught the 945 train to palely Thorndale. I get off the stop in Ardmore and walk to Bob's place.
Once there was treated to a fruit smoothie and you talk to Lisa who is studying in Thailand
at this point. Bob plans to visit her soon. Aftertreatment to the smoothie we then went to bed bath
and beyond and I got myself a new juicer. We then went to produce junction and bought a whole boatload of  
   vegetables. After we got back from the produce junction we then made a lots of juices first. First we
made the green machine with lots of kale the second one was one made of beats and lemons and ginger.
The machine got a little hot so we decided to take a lunch break at a Chinese place. It
was there that I first had to work my schedule with Larry. We first talked about 2 o'clock but that was
not any possible considering all the running around the pop and I did. I then got players at 4:30 to
help him work his new computer. Apparently his friend Bill was able to help him a lot more than
I was. Meanwhile back in West Philly at was getting a visit from a large wild turkey. You had a great picture
of           it. And then cut the L to 11 street where I caught the Warminster lineup to know Rose Park.
I got there around 635. We then had a little bit to eat. I had a nice omelette and that was tasty. We hung
out watch some old Batman and just hung out it was very nice