Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Tuesday June 3rd:

Morning Coffee
Good day. I just read that Apple introduced IOS8 and the update OS X. They unveiled "HealthKit" which a person can monitor health info. I might want to take these tips to reduce my
/19th and Wal
anxiety. I plan to seek a different way this week. First off, I need to get some commitments for this Thurs and Friday done. I am then to go to a rally to increase the minimum wage in Harrisburg. I am
Pat Lookin Good
kind of not wanting to go since I am behind on my work. Well I went to the meeting and found
At Love Park Waiting for Bus
that they did pass out the sheet for the commitments. The Aly house is been taken care of. That is such a relief! Still got to get the veterans comfort house for Thursday night taking care of but I feel a lot better about it. I did decide to go to the rally
At Love Park
after all we are now waiting for the bus at the Love Park.
Yes,  we're waiting for the bus to go to Harrisburg with SEIU. The reports are due by noon. It was 10:00
Suburban Station
20 AM & and the bus did not show @ the Love Park.   got there at 8 o'clock this morning and when the buses was too full and a bus never showed up. 
It's Summer
The Word!
They had some booths for mental health organizations which was pretty cool. I won 2 T-shirts, a STRESS ball, and a pen. I decided I'd go back to work and get some shit done. I made no appointments
I Am In a Video

so I'm just going to sit and crack out some car fare. I also got good news on my commitments this week. I got one of them completely filled up so I just have one more for ThursdayI decided screw it I'm just going to go back to work. Either that or walk away up to the union hall and get into a van I think. So I made an effort and I hope to get work done. That's my idea of a good day.
Well while I was working inside a storm came running through and some rain fell. It is now 5:23 PM and I miss that rain thankfully. Dean said he got some chicken McNuggets for us to share. and Pat said he invited me to dinner. So the fact that any lunch will be made up for this afternoon. I just missed 21 but I called out just arriving so I'll get home soon.

Mural Arts Project

When we got home by the L okay I'm having some nuggets are pretty tasty if you have any eaten lunch. Can help somebody needs
The Neighbors
to apply for medical and Cooper their place and then Pat invited me to dinner so I will be eating plenty of food. I'm up now get up to weird
Yes, Its McNuggets
reaction for the people he went to the rally and as I bailed out. I went AWOL on the rally. On going to be helping a friend but first I'm going to take my mild little nap as of 6:48 PM
Waiting for 21
  It is now 7:50 PM  Yeah we had pretty warm weather and some rain but apparently it's clearing up now. I just got up from my nap 7:46 PM and I'm now going to walk to the bus stop and then catch a bus about eight blocks
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to 12 blocks away and help my friend out. She needs medical assistance and needs 25 bucks to get a medical form compleated. Later Dean and I watched some Netflix and I talked on the phone.

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