Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thursday, March 28: Drizzle, California Trip and Yoga

Well, after a half night asleep, I got up and headed my ass down to Mike’s

 and I was a little bit late because the bus shopped till I was at Broad Pine. It’s been a good Bus catching

 time the last few days. There’s three routes down Broad Street during rush-hour and all day 

long and It’s ridiculous how they run. Anyway, Mike got a visit from his sisters, his niece and his great niece they

 drove by picked him up and took him out to lunch at a Chinese buffet. He was out till about 2:30 and 

he said he had a really great time. I didn’t hear his phone call so he got up and  And we talked a little 

bit. Today I confirmed her flight to California visit my sister on 

June 5 to June 11 with Mary. We went over her name and spelling and all that stuff and I was almost done and I had to restart it then one of the credit cards

did work and then I had to anyway I got a flight. I got a pretty good deal less than four  each. I called the maintenance guy to find out if he’s been fired because Mike can’t reporting 

repairs directly to him has to go through the main portal of the William Penn Realty group. They are quite quite the slumlord. Anyway, I thanked the woman at the retirement place just for fixing my tax getting my texting fixed fairly quickly.I then formally asked for time off for my trip to Amsterdam, which is April 23 to May 7. I’m now heading into the 4 o’clock yoga 
class and then I go to a 6:30 PM appointment

 and then to my CODA group. Why didn’t make it to my 4 o’clock class in time there was plenty of room in the fourth floor and that was cool. The room was very steamy but the 

second half of the class ventilation was allowed to come in so it ended better than it started for me.I had trouble with awkward too again but I hung in there. Then saw the “red book.” That was interesting. Anyway I caught 

the bus and it showed up on time and got off at 6:15 so that was good. I got myself a diet Pepsi to 

take home with me after reggae and went to the session and it was on an experience. That’s for sure pretty intense. It felt good.

 I’ve relaxed but no way also it was intense. I then went to the meeting and chat and chow down on a pizza slice that I bought to have like toppings on a pizza slice is $4.90. I just can’t get used to that then of course it was the end of the month meeting so business meeting till 10:15 PM. We discussed changing two sentences in the the standard meeting notes. I was really twitching there kept looking at my phone kept looking for us to get home in the meeting so late I catch the 49 bus the one I usually catch it , 9:32 PM is showing up around 2 PM. Yay. 

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