Thursday, August 27, 2009
Aug 27th

Monday, August 24, 2009
This Past Week
I am getting pretty good business in my dog walking and being my friend's agent. Its good to have extra spending money these days. Man, It was so HUMID, it was gross.
In the outside world, the Phillies are doing well They are up 7 games at this time. The Eagles signed Michael Vick and the uproar began. I mean he has a drink and THAT makes the (Phila Daily)News??
The state budget impasse continues on but at least I am gettting paid. Its still hot outside and I am very tired.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Let's Go to a Town Hall Meeting!!
Hey let's all go to a townhall meeting, all filled with nonsense we've heard on AM radio, and scream at a member of Congress. " DO NOTHING AND DO IT NOW!!! WE LOVE BEING RIPPED OFF BY HMO'S AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES!!" Makes me want to smack someone with a solid oak death panel.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Chris Christie. Above Reproch??
In today's Philadelphia Inquirer, the editors discuss the partisan firing of US attorneys pushed by Carl Rove and Mr. Christie is part of the article. Read for yourself:
U.S. attorneys were loyal to Bush. Chris Christie, the Republican nominee for governor of New Jersey, was listed as “loyal” in 2005 but ended up in 2006 on a list of prosecutors who could be terminated.
Later that year, Christie was involved in an incident that seemed uncharacteristic of his apolitical reputation. His office leaked word of a probe of Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Bob Menéndez concerning the rental of a building, two months before the election. Menéndez won; no charges were ever brought.
Rove acknowledged that he counseled Christie about running for governor about two years before Christie resigned his post. U.S. attorneys are prohibited from engaging in politics.
“I talked to him … regarding his interest in running for governor, and he asked me questions about who — who were good people that knew about running for governor that he could talk to,” Rove testified.
It’s not shocking that Christie would discuss career options while he was still a prosecutor. But in the context of Rove’s meddling, it creates the perception that Christie may have been subjected to partisan influences. The Justice Department’s probe and the congressional investigation should pursue these questions wherever they lead. Trying to bend law enforcement toward partisan goals should never be tolerated
Friday, August 14, 2009
Dog Days of August!
As for Millville theArts District Façade Program is going to expand and they are looking for UEZ money for a 2nd Street Sweeper. This is good news for sure and Its Friday AM and got to sleep now. Health Care will have to wait as I ride in the bus.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Planning Board and Union Lake Development
The Board allowed comments on this matter even though as the board attorney reminded everyone at least twice that this was not an official public hearing.
The city led by Dr. Kim Ayers plans a "phased development strategy for the 400 acre WAWA property. The first phase approved last night is the 85 acres and the next phase is the remaining 300 plus acres.
There were many speakers. The one speaker had a new idea I have never heard before. It was to place a “moratorium” on development of the remaining 300 acres. The board attorney Mr. Mitch Daniels seemed intrigued by this idea. I think this might be a good first step to calm the fears of the nearby neighbors if it indeed is a workable idea.
Steve Durst spoke strongly in favor of this project and stated that the Planning Board does not need to use leverage since that is not the way business is done today.
Most speakers expressed concern for the future of the 300 acres. They came to the meeting worried that the WAWA plan was going to be the future of the 300 acres. One person referred this plan as WawaLand. They told me that it would discourage people from visiting the Arts District. That on its own gives me pause for sure.
Matt Blake of the American Littoral Society's Delaware bay Program spoke and urged the board to hold off approval of the 85 Acres.
Fred Jacob who had represented the immediate neighbors urged the city to change the Lakeshore Conservation zoning area to be changed or the city will have no leverage to change any proposal to develop land in this area.
This plan will change as time goes on but folks will have to pay attention and have their say.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
A Fine Sunday in August
I am in Favor of Health Care Reform!

"Obama is also being criticized by those who think he hasn't gone far enough. Dr. Thomas Clairmont, a primary care physician in Portsmouth, said he would ask Obama why he doesn't embrace a single-payer, government run solution. Clairmont said such an approach would be far more economically and medically efficient by cutting out the costly middleman of private insurance companies and be far less costly for taxpayers. He said the success of the Medicare program is evidence that the government can succeed where private industry ultimately can't over the long run."
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Issues on a Saturday
The News of Cumberland County is getting hip to the web.
On Twitter its TheNewsofCC. The breaking news blog at nj.com/south. If you want to read letters to the editor, head to nj.com/cumberland/voices/
Union Lake Development Update August 8 2009
There has been charges and counter charges by the city and Matt Blake. The city representatives seem extremely angry as if they were blindsided by Mr. Blake's comments.
I am afraid were going the way of the Motorsports Park and the Trackracket where both sides are going to talk past each other. You my dear reader need to read both Dr. Kim Warker's letter printed today in the News of Cumberland County and Matt Blake's letter that was printed in the News on August 5th. Mr. Blake's letter did alarm me when I first read it and a friend got a different take from a city offical that Mr. Blake was "a liar". Well, I hope to make it to the planning board meeting and get a clearer picture of what the plan is.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
What Can I Say??
From the DPW intranet
Welcome to the OIM Web
Policy Clarifications - SNAPPFS14904567
Subject: Income from State Employees for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
How do we treat state employee income now that a “bridge” budget has been passed?
Response By: Division of Federal Programs and Program Management
With the signing of the bridge budget, wages for July and August will be released in August for most state employees. SNAP households having a state employee must have eligibility re-evaluated using anticipated August wages.
For households with a state employee whose SNAP benefits were open in July or August, the household’s eligibility must be redetermined using anticipated income from August and September wages. Action must be taken timely to reduce SNAP benefits effective September 1, 2009 or stop SNAP benefits effective August 31, 2009 using appropriate advance notice.
For households with a state employee that applied for SNAP benefits in August that have not been processed, income from August wages must be anticipated for August benefits.
Employees of agencies whose funding requires special appropriation will not have their wages released with the signing of the bridge budget. These agencies include, but are not limited to:
· Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System
· Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System
· Public Utility Commission
· Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
When reviewing cases for households with a state employee, ask whether the employee’s wages will be released due to the signing of the bridge budget. If the employee’s wages will not be released because they require special appropriation, do not consider the employee to be receiving or have anticipated wages.
OIM Web Disclaimer Text Version Contact Us © 2005 Commonwealth of PA - DPW
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
City Commission Meeting
This is the Infamous road project brought to us bumpkins by Gov Corzine, and Lou Magazzu.
Next, Michelle Post called out the City Commission for allowing a person to make a personal threat at the last Commission meeting. She has a point but she came off heavy-handed. I sense the the frustration she has with the NJ Motorsports Park. She states there is no "solution" but voting and changing the noise ordnance. The motorsports park is too wide/large to barricade the sound as well. Like I said, I sense a lawsuit and the city does not need THAT for sure. Charles Flickinger spoke about the Wall of education.
After the meeting, I heard something that could have a very negative affect upon Millville and the County. Hope cooler heads prevail or this will eventually make headlines here.
Fighting the Foolishness of Pa Politics
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Pa Legislative Circus!!
A review of the Commonwealth Directory shows 529 names for the Senate alone. The majority leader has 85 staff, the minority leader has 55. Do we need all of these people. And the worst part is that in many Senate races more than half of the candidates are unapposed
Names and phones numbers of those 11 Legislators that Voted NO to Pay State Workers!(the temp budget) flood their phone lines!!!
Kerry Benninghoff -717-783-1918
Thomas Creighton - 717-772-5290
Paul Drucker - 717-705-2003
Garth Everett - 717-787-5270
Kate Harper - 717-787-2801
Scott Hutchinson - 717-783-8188
John Maher - 717-783-1522
Bob Mensch - 717-787-6937
Mark Mustio - 717-787-6651
Dennis O'Brien - 717-787-5689
Steven Santarsiero - 717-787-5475
Go here http://www.pcntv.com/streaming/streaming.html
This is just plain bogus and stupid. They finally passed the "Bridge Budget" and it could have been done WEEKS ago. Now they say it will take another WEEK!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Lets Clean Up Graffiti!!
Other cities like Philadelphia where I used to live learn from the broken windows theroy that you act proactive on small crimes to keep more serious crime from infesting like roaches. Come on lets get this off soon!!!
First off I saw monsoon-like rain when I was leaving Philly on Friday. Here is a photo and a video. Route 42 was closed for a spell and I did not get home till 8 PM to meet the woman who bought my car.