Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday, October 31: Halloween Hump Day

After a pretty decent night of sleep, I jetted off to the sunrise meeting. I was only about

 five minutes late this time. It was a speaker meeting and it went very 
 well. I’ve never seen this speaker before but lead for the meeting met him in Malvern.  You have been in the program long time and he bought his 

 ife with him. He mentioned that a couple times that’s how he met the 2nd wife. Anyhow, who is one dude‘s 35th anniversary 

 today. he is a cool dude! After that I decided I go straight towards work  so I could get there a little early since I didn’t finish 

 ny of the processing of the 15 people that I saw. Actually
that’s wrong. I processed about three of the cars ses yesterday. I  had the other 13th to go. I went in and that’s 

 hat I did until about 2 PM when I finally finished. I got a text from Larry and Natalie today. I have some business to attend to before I leave for Gettysburg on Friday .Tentatively I have a ride from the Fairmount Brewerytown area at this 

 erson’s place at 3 PM. I hope that doesn’t fall through! Well it was pretty 

 uiet and very uneventful today at work which is always a good thing

 it in my book. I’ve definitely for less felt less tired. I think interviewing a lot of people and 

 unning around tends to make me more tired than days from just pushing paper and in 

 utting stuff in the computer. Also reports the phone doesn’t ring and I  just plow through the mofos and I actually can focus. It’s pretty cool. Well I went on Clock to 33 got a little couple little mini nap’s. I arrived at the OC have coffee Houston and just watch people drink coffee and work on this blog posting. Saw Mr. Florida Lot work his magic I actually sat next to him during the meeting. Wes did show up later and did mine manage to find a seat since it was a lot less crowded than Tuesday night. We then went and got pizza at Luigi‘s pizzeria Fresca. I like that pizza there. And then likely cut the 48 after we walked and talked for a while it was cool

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday, October 30: Chilly and Giving a Photo

I woke up to a beautiful sunny Tuesday morning here in the city of brotherly love got to 

 unrise a little bit late but it was OK I talked about some guy recently  died. It was very sad. Afterwords I have brought my 

 ictures and share them with the nice woman who liked my pictures. I gave her one and then she went and bought a frame and sent me a picture of what the picture look like in a 5 x 7. I was very 

 weet of her. We’ll see about that. Nother dudes kind of attracted to her too so that might be kind of weird but I’m going to try to play it cool that’s all I can do. I did stick  Anyhow I came to work and people started coming in and I worked and then worked!!. I saved each day and more as an individual A

 nd more by name so then when I get time to do the paperwork then it all repeat mostly

 pre-written. I ended up being 15 people today I believe that’s the highest I’ve seen ever but definitely the

 highest in it at least six months. I’m pretty tired and I took many 

 aps a long day trip at the train station on the bus and the EL. Well I 

 uickly got coffee and managed to get the last seat at the  ront table. It was

 the last Tuesday of the month so they have interview meeting. I 
haven’t been to one of those in a dogs age. I was interviewed along with a good friend of mine. It’s trippy. It’s kind of fun and away just 

 inging it up there. I then hang out with Wes and then after hung out with him I went back to the meeting with amends. That was pretty intense. After that I came home and child down and  rashed. I was need to remind myself not to look at other people think too much it’s never good place to go!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday, October 29: No Rent & Pay Bills

Well I slept pretty well this morning and about 6:00 AM this morning I 

 ealized that I already paid rent for the month of November when I paid the 2 months rent

 upfront. It was an aha moment like I haven’t had in years. 😁😁😁😁. I then went to sunrise a little bit late and got to meet the one that liked my pictures a little bit. I then went
to work and proceed to call three different creditors and pay two of them off and paid one down. One of them have to pay the entire balance by November 16 or be socked  $500 worth of interest charges Anyhow, I plowed through my sanction list. Basically
I can’t sanction anybody side I’m just scheduling but it did take a little time and I got 30 of them 

 one so my next step is to finish the list by Wednesday since I’m not going 

 e in work on Friday and I’m sure the report will be due before 

 riday. So just before I was gonna leave early, I discovered I had more than 45 days of 

 nnual and I  just went freaky because I thought I was going 

 o be losing because I got 20 days over.. Later on when I calm down I realize if I don’t use all of it it will be converted to stick time. Anyhow I got there 15 minutes late I just kept talking about my financials and my moving. And I’m starting my new group next Monday at five.