arry-on because I have a lot of people coming in and I was to help Lisa move and
had an appointment. I knew I had to get those things straightened out.
o I just put 1 foot in front of the other and headed out from pats 🏡 October
as it very tough month for blogging. I seem to of lost my doozy as him
as October rolled in. It went fast but a lot of stuff transpired. Some of it expected
and some of it not so much. I pretty much expected my dating O’ Rama to end
ecause it couldn’t go on like that forever. What I didn’t expect is that I would
be moving in December. Well, I did help my friend move and she
came back from Baltimore. It went very smoothly without clusterfucks at all. She did
ave a lot of stuff but it was organized and boxed. By the time we finished
here were a ton of kids trick-or-treating on a
ery kid friendly block. After we moved her stuff, and I ended up eating and then walking home.