June and her new coat |
Kay and Carolyne at Guilty Pleasures |
Planted our Bamboo Yesterday! |
Carolyne in her Studio. |
Good day sunshine. It was a mild day in April. You know like Spring was meant to be. I missed my zoning meeting due to being late for the bus. I did have a very cool weekend. We had a nice yoga class, then we hung out with Kay downtown. They did some shopping while I snapped some photos. We then went to Bojo's and had a beer. We were to have food but after 30 minutes or so just decided to leave. We heard that the 2 women who used to cook left. . Next we went to the Oar House and had late lunch. It was a good time. I was so tired that I went to sleep around 8:30 and slept till 8 yesterday.
At Oar House |
Yesterday, I got to walk the dogs for awhile. Met up with Dennis and Linday at the oppisite ends of High Street. Linda Works Sunday's at the RRCA and still sees stuff with my name on it. We had a good chuckle at that. There is a framed photo of Mike Cagno but who is the 2nd director of the RRCA? Can anyone there tell me? Its it like the Commies who leave out photos of non-persons? Um..? Umm?
Anyway back to Spring. Yesterday was the nicest we had in weeks. We planted our bamboo plant and I can't wait for it to grow. Also we added lights to Carolyne's studio. It was cool project figuring out how to get the lighting in the right spots. We both got haircuts. Carolyne looks very nice!!
Well, its now 5:33am got to get ready for the 408 Bus now.
Mike is honored due to the fact that, besides all of his other grassroots contributions, he worked for the first two years for no salary - nada, zero, zilch.
I was in no way diminished Mike or his contributions.
I like Carolyne's huge work in the photo!!!! Let's see more!!!
Thanks Bob. It feels just like it looks--painting those biggies. Conducting an orchestra and trying to get all those pesky flutes and oboes to play nice together.
I have large work on display at Calm River Studio and at Energy Center Plus. By happenstance for to see.
I think we all know what Mark was trying to say. Some people are still so active with the broom and the rug.
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