Well let myself sleep in till 8:30 AM since I was exhausted. I did my stuff with the animals and then took Uber to Front and south. I stopped into the
bar none. I'm going to have to leave early since I've got this meet
Larry and then meet Bob sometime a little after 12 noon. I heard on the TV news last night that this
was the biggest operation the Secret Service is ever conducted. Bigger than the inauguration. Well after the bar none I headed towards Larry's house. Once
there I had breakfast of bacon and then I'm left.
We then watch little pope coverage on the TV and I faxed the sandwiches that were bringing with us.
We took the EL from 2nd to 8th Street.
So I'm going to walk the rest away towards City Hall. We met
On Every Corner |
a woman as we are walking from the Dominican republic. They were directing crowds to 20th and
Breakfast at Larry's |
Callowhill Street. We started to go that way and Larry decided maybe we should just sit here and use the
Jumbotron. We were going to meet Bob and Lisa but they decided they would take the 22nd and Callowhill checkpoint that's how far gone the
Enjoying it |
line is. I hope to get some pictures
The Crowds in Center City |
from Bob or Lisa about how crowded it really is. It's now two or 2:33 PM where we're sitting near the water fountain at JFK is gotten really compressed and crowded
15th and JFK |
since they've closed off the street so the police can have emergency vehicles I'm eventually coming home from here right now they're closed
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off JFK. The Police are running up
An Arial View |
and down the street like they're practicing some kind of formation. The pups not coming down
JFK this time probably. I believe it's because they want to burn see vehicles and VIPs to slip through. I'm glad the Eagles are finally winning. Yes Sharon
Callowhill Street |
hibernated but she's hanging out with a friend but I
Cool Coffee Dude! |
don't know whether going because she didn't respond. I got tired of being at 15th and JFK so I'm
Near Hamilton Street |
walking around a big ass circle to a checkpoint so I can get close to home. Bob and Lisa up that way at 22nd St. Now walking north on 15th St.
Sharon and Butters |
It's the ticketing area. I'm just going to go straight
At the Bishop's Beer Garden |
the Fermount take a left and then go down any street that will let me cross. I did get home pretty
The Pope is Everywhere :) |
easily and talk to Sharon for a little bit. She told me about the party she went to and that was cool. Friends
They were All Friendly |
of hers were singing my name while buzzed. That was pretty funny!😜 I then
All Different Law Enforcement |
needed to crash hard and I did. I crashed for about an hour until the doorbell rang and there was Bob.
Pope Francais Says Goodbye |
He told me him and Lisa got a really find spot for the people mass that was held. So once I rouse myself
The Parkway Aftermath |
awake we went down to the bishops collar to the pope beer garden that they had set up. We talked
The Stage Afterwards |
for a while and decided that we had to get a particular T-shirt that spelled out "poop" in old Phillies
We Got T-Shirts There |
insignia font. So we walked around the parkway looking at the aftermath of the pope and the staging in
front of the art museum and in the parkway. We went down to Doobies at 22nd and Lombard where the owner of the establishment was selling different
The Blood Moon Eclipse |
styles of hope T-shirts. She did have the
Twas the Weekend |
ones that Lisa and I were looking for. Geez I have not been into Doobies for 20 years I suppose. Amy
Having Fun |
called and I talked to her while Bob and Lisa chilled out and had a beer. Next we walked on the open
Playing in Empty Streets |
empty streets of Philadelphia. We decided to check out the cabin also 19th St. after trying to decide
Removing Barriers |
where we are going to eat for 10 minutes. After a delicious chili, we foreground the middle of
Look Ma! No Cars |
the street and Bob reminded us of the blood moon that was having a full eclipse peaking at 10:45 PM. We
Vine Street Expressway |
are simply amazing the empty streets and took it all in. We knew that this would never happen again
The Parkway |
except in a 2 foot blizzard. We didn't parted ways and I walked through the morass of the parkway. I
saw more cases of water then I have her seen before. I came home and hung out with Sharon and gave her one of my buttons that I had bought
Good Bye Pope Francais |
for a dollar. Larry stayed for the mass at 15th and JFK and ended
Lisa Took This |
up going to eat Chinese after the mass it ended around 6 o'clock. Well my friend came home from the
Stretching on Chestnut Street |
shore and said that she was mailing the check to my house. I have a feeling I'm really going to need
Blood Moon |
that money because I really spent money like crazy man for pope T-shirts etc. But it was worth it since it was once-in-a-lifetime event and I want
800,000 |
to record it as I'm been known to do on occasion. Pope week will have ended.