Well, yes its late out but I just felt like watching TV tonight to soften my mind up a bit. Anyway I was glad that
Villanova beat Pitt to get into the Final Four and that
Law and Order CI had the best actor for the show
Vincent D'Onofrio returning BACK!! I guess he came out of retirement since they advertised him on a episode for next week. (then again they could all be reruns). I was hungry to sink my teeth into some good reading tonite:
I was taken aback by this article on the blog
driftglass. This writer makes a blistering critique of an article in the Atlantic Magazine written by Andrew Sullivan. Mr Sullivan states that Bush betrayed conservatism and the right wing blowhards can not reconcile this fact Here is the highlight of
this blog post:"Bush, for Sullivan, is always, always, always where the story begins and ends:
“Now that Bush has been removed, the massive damage done, and a pragmatic liberal is trying to sort out the mess in a sane, orderly fashion, they've gone nuts.”
Except, of course, in order to posit his self-serving piffle, Sullivan has to rather flagrantly ignore a period in time we here on the Left refer to as
“The Fucking 1990s”.
Sullivan conveniently forgets that the slavering Limbaugh-led orcs on the Right who now treat Barack Obama
"as if he's already Robert Mugabe" even though he has
"just two months on the job" are the very same slavering, Limbaugh-led orcs who spent the eight years before Bush/Cheney treating another pragmatic, center-left Republican-lite President as History’s Greatest Monster.
Was that fun or what?? Here is a blogger named Alex Knapp who writes a blog called Outside The Beltway. He points out the irony of the folks who are having "tea parties" to protest President Obama and his spending. Click here and check it out yourself. I most liked the exchanges that he gets involved and again I have a favorite. Please bite into something and enjoy.
Alex, are you aware of what a Marxist would do in the position Obama now holds,
My guess is that he would nationalize every industry, break apart large estates into smaller parces held in common by agricultural committees run by the government, end currency trading, round up business executives and have them shot, put the government in charge of distributing commodities, and send dissidents to gulags.
Alex, if your goal was to reduce the middle class to poverty, Alex. How would that be best accomplished except by spending all of our money, Alex.
If I wanted to reduce the middle class to poverty, I would do one of two things: create a marxist state OR create a system whereby tax codes, regulations and laws favored large, multi-national conglomerates and made it increasingly difficult for small businesses and entrepreneurs to compete unless they acquiesced to government control by changing their business form to a publicly traded corporation; I would ensure the protection of inherited wealth against new wealth by eliminating estate taxes; I would create a complicated tax system which allowed the wealthy to skirt the law and not pay taxes while those with lesser means ended up effectively being taxed more; I would protect monopolies by force of law through unnecessary licensure on professions such as cosmetology and undertaking; I would set up regulations that make shareholders powerless when it comes to the running of a company; I would enact bankruptcy laws that punish ordinary people for incidents that were beyond their control; I would reward companies that have utterly failed... The list goes on.
I return now to Cumberland County where the media do not ask questions and taxpayer watchdogs roll over when it comes to our county government. I guess Cindy Zerkle needs to write a blog cause she makes a good point about our County government. I saw this on the Magazzuwatch blog.
Well, Its time to go to bed now. Hope you all enjoy this bit of writing