Friday, April 28, 2006

This Saturday at Barkan Park

Friends of Barkan Park Present A Playground Ribbon-Cutting & Appreciation Ceremony for Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell Saturday, April 29th 12 to 2 PM 50th & Spruce Streets Call 215 990 6254 for More info

Barkan Park has a 25 year history in West Philadelphia. The park area was once a tennis court. The park was named in honor of Ben Barkan who was the founder of the Garden Court Community Association. Ben Barkan, his wife Sylvia Barkan and the Community Association were instrumental in preventing the area from becoming a gas station. When Ben Barkan died in 1969, to recognize him for all the years of active work maintaining a unified community, it was agreed that the park should be named after him. Representative James Roebuck obtained funding for the playground in the early 90’s which replaced the fountain which had fallen into disrepair. During the fall in 1999, a group of neighbors in the Garden Court Community and other West Philadelphia neighbors, under the leadership of Carolyne and Mark Krull, took interest in the park and in March of 2000, The Friends of Barkan Park was founded, having Sylvia Barkan as part of the membership. In the early 90’s the Tri-Block Neighbors convinced the City to construct a small playground. Today we come together to an expanded playground newly paved pathways, improved lighting, and new trees and other improvements to Barkan Park

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gas Prices a Pain in the A$$

The price increases in gas are out of control and I am not sure our fearless leader in DC is being helpful. Meanwhile my commute is now becoming an $80/week expense. If the Democrats had any braincells at all they would use this. Thak goodness I buy my gas and beer in New Jersey cause the money I save will help me with the either a sales tax increase or a looming real estate tax increase....Have a great day:)

Friday, April 21, 2006

This Weekend

Hello Boys and Girls
This weekend is 1st Friday and the RCCA's Gala on Saturday. They should be a good time. They are in Millville
as well is the BikeFest Art Exhibition. I think this is a neat idea and I hop the weather cooperates. At least this year I will not be moving like last year.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Crusin Thoughts for Spring

Well as you can see my profile got pushed to the bottom of the page. I am not sure how it happened or how I am going to fix the problem.

Well, I was not in the mood to write anything after my virus experience and I really do not have all that much to say now except its 6:20am on Friday. Good Friday. Since I work for the state, I do not get ANY time off for good behavor.
I am reading the Millville news and I see this article that says "RALLY FOR PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE SITE". I may be wrong but I thing this office is a political favorate. They got a 30% pay increase and still they are loosing folks. Now they plan get a new building. Big Lou states that the Procsecutor's office "would remain a revenue-generating ratable for the city, school district, and county under the proposal." I hope the gentleman is correct because the Corzine budget is going to put the squeeze on Millville city govt to raise the real-estate tax..
In my opinion, "property tax reform" is never gonna happen. Why you ask, because OTHER taxes will have to be raised and folks are not going to buy that and we do not have the leadership in this Garden State to do anything. Hell, Corzine backed up Wayne Bryant the State Legislator from North Jersey who got a B.S job with that corrupt UMDJ and he funneled money from the state to this so-called institute of higher learning. This UMDJ rated job applicants by the political friends they had. Boy I am from Philly and I am IMPRESSED!! NOT!!!
Until a average peson like me or my neighbors can run for office, this insider BS will never end.
Weill, got to get dressed and drive off to Philly.
Have a great Easter and enjoy the spring